Make your text walk across Latin America and Brazil.

Tradução e versão

Translation and Reverse Translation

• Translation and Reverse Translation

• Translation for academic papers, scientific articles, editorial texts, among others.

• Translation for medical, legal, marketing and other technical fields.

• Possibility of adopting neutral gender.

• Glossary creation.


Traduções e legendagem

Audio and video transcription

• Verbatim transcription or Degrabation - Transcribed exactly the way it was said by the speakers.

• Basic Transcription - Errors, mumbling and repetitions are removed from the document.

• Reviewed by an audio transcription specialist.


Transcrição de áudio e vídeo


• Subtitles for multimedia.

• Subtitling for: videos, films, podcasts, series and cinema.


Localização e transcrição

Localisation and transcreation

Translation and adaptation with a focus on specific markets and cultures, taking into account local specificities.




Face-to-face or online interpreting - We offer a team prepared for all communication situations. We mediate negotiations, meetings, conferences, encounters and tourist events.


Revisão em português e espanhol


• Avoid problems caused by miscommunication.

• Proofreading of websites, brochures, advertising material, etc.


The client sends the file for quotation.

The proposal is received within a maximum of two working days.

What we take into consideration:

• Objective of the communication

• Market and audience

• Genre of the text

• Publication channel

• Technical specificity

• Number of words

• Deadline


More organisation for high volume projects

Project start

Início do projeto


Detailed analysis of the document

Terminology and contextual study

Translation process

Glossary creation

Initial review

Approval by the client

Final review


The importance of professional translation

The cultural context should not be ignored

The translator needs to be able to:

• Apply critical thinking and cultural awareness to make the best choices.

• Use contrastive grammar.

• Know the cultural environment of a language's origin. Its variants and customs.

• Understand stylistic issues, have a thorough knowledge of the grammar of the working language.

Substituting words interferes with the strength of brand communication.

Flattening of communication

Machine translations generally use a lowest common denominator, generating a simplistic version of the content.

By substituting terms, intentionally chosen for brand positioning, with generic words, the meaning of the message is diverted.

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Em breve retornaremos o seu contato.

Chilli Beans 2022

Tradução de campanhas mensais para redes sociais e para material físico.

Chilli Beans 2022

Traducción de campañas mensuales para redes sociales y para material físico.

DOT Hotels 2022

Traduçcción de videos, contratos, presentaciones y sitio web.

KES Learning 2021

Traducción y revisión de más de 40 conferencias corporativas.

Biz 2021

Traducción de manuales para equipos industriales de dosaje y sellado.

VIX 2020

Traducción de más de 20 artículos para blog acerca de Whiskies y preparaciones de cócteles.

Hospital do Câncer de Barretos 2018

Traducción de investigaciones y cuestionarios sobre prácticas clínicas en cuidados paliativos.

Sical do Brasil 2014

Traducción de manuales de normas y procedimientos para máquinas industriales.

Mixer Films 2013

Transcripción y traducción de más de 30 videos y entrevistas destinados a documentales de Discovery Channel.

DOT Hotels 2022

Tradução de vídeos, contratos, apresentações e website.

KES Learning 2021

Tradução e revisão de mais de 40 palestras.

Biz 2021

Tradução de manuais para equipamentos industriais de dosagem e vedação.

VIX 2020

Tradução de mais de 20 artigos para blog acerca de Whiskies e preparações de drinques.

Hospital do Câncer de Barretos 2018

Tradução de pesquisas e enquetes sobre práticas clínicas para cuidados paliativos.

Sical do Brasil 2014

Tradução de manuais de normas e procedimentos para maquinário industrial.

Mixer Films 2013

Transcrição e tradução para mais de 30 vídeos e entrevistas destinados a documentários da Discovery Channel.